Monday, May 19, 2008

I have emerged...almost!

Yippee! I am still way, way behind on orders, posting galleries, laundry, and everything else...but I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I have had an amazing "ah ha" moment that I will share in a later blog, but it comes down to less clients and better service. I am working like crazy to get my new studio in full swing, but here is a sneak peek from a session I did in it last week. I can use studio lighting then turn them off, open my big southern exposure windows and then capture a more natural look. Let me know what you think.

Sweet Baby E was amazing! She would take some portraits, eat a little, take some more portraits, eat a little...and so on. This is exactly why I have such a passion for photography. You can completely see the bond that will be shared between these two beautiful ladies for a lifetime!

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