Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Portraits in the Park Schedule

Hi everyone!

Below is the schedule for this weekend. Don't forget...never assume it is cancelled if it is raining or cloudy or cold...if your session needs to be rescheduled I will call you. Thanks so much and I am looking forward to meeting some new families and visiting with some of my old favorites!

Friday, April 25

8:30am Hartshorn
9:00am Payne
9:30am Davis
10:00am Reger
10:30am Hirsch
11:00am Larson
11:30am Diamond
2:00pm Witty
2:30pm Engstrom
3:00pm Lawrence
4:00pm Buelow
4:30pm Yaeger
5:00pm Shams
5:30pm Hrom

Saturday, April 26

8:30am Griffin
9:00am Boylan
9:30am Harvey
10:00am Evans
10:30am Hamby
11:00am Koll
11:30am Weatherly
2:00pm Wood
2:30pm Landers
3:00pm Doctor
3:30pm Kepner
4:00pm Westveld
4:30pm Jones
5:00pm LaJoie
5:30pm Longoria

Sunday, April 27

2:00pm Pearson
2:30pm Steele
3:00pm McAllister
3:30pm King
4:00pm Godwin
4:30pm Freeman
5:00pm Follett
5:30pm Guerry

Saturday, May 3rd

2:00pm Pettigrew
2:30pm Murphy
3:00pm Shepherd
3:30pm Ripley
4:00pm Fagan
4:30pm Frazier
5:00pm Stibor
5:30pm Wilson

Sunday, May 4th

2:00pm Hutchinson
2:30pm Pawkett
3:00pm Vibero
3:30pm Reece
4:30pm Grueter
5:00pm Shiner
5:30pm Hays

If you have any questions, please call 972-814-4301. Thanks and I will see you all at the park!

I am not good at titles

Ok, so seriously I am the worst blogger of all time. Remember those journal projects you would have in junior high? All you had to do was journal a little each day, but of course I waited until the night before it was due and I was always up for hours trying to remember what I did all semester and then I would write in different inks to make it look legit.

So NOT indicative of how I do things now...ahhh hahahaha. I crack myself up.

It is not that I procrastinate...I over committ. Don't worry though I am in therapy for my "disease to please." I will keep you posted...maybe.